Illustration for the book "As explorações espaciais de Janice: Os poderosos meteoros"
Texts: S. D. Becker - Independent author - 2021
Finished in Photoshop
Illustration for the book "Um peixinho bem esperto"
Texts: Cássia Marina Moreira - Scortecci Publishing – 2020
Finished in Photoshop
Illustration for the book "Raquel: A uruçu curiosa"
Texts: Vanda Lúcia da Costa Salles - Independent author - 2023
Finished in Photoshop
Illustration for the book "Pirilipi e a caixinha surpresa da vovó..."
Texts: Vanda Lúcia da Costa Salles - Scortecci Publishing - 2021
Finished in Photoshop
Illustration for the book "As explorações marítimas de Janice: A escuridão do mar"
Texts: S. D. Becker - Independent author – 2021
Finished in Photoshop