I've been working with the Scortecci publishing company for 5 years now. They edit, print and sell books in small editions. With them, I already made several works designing book covers, inner pages and illustrating them as well and created the "Quadrinhos Scortecci" (Scortecci Comics) in 2018. www.scortecci.com.br
Graduated in Social Communication - Advertisement and Marketing school, this longtime partner is experienced in coordination of anthologies and does freelance in the editorial area as transcriber of audio and video, typist, writer and researcher. linkedin.com/belisa-schwebel-a-frança
A group of artists created by Isaac Santos in 2015, with the intention of publishing independent comic books. I participate in the group as a illustrator, writer and designer. facebook.com/elcartel13
The "Blog Vida de Escritor" (Writer's life blog) has the goal to show some of the works of Eliaquim Batista, that is getting ready to publish his first book. Besides, the blog also talks about his routine in exercising his writing, brings interviews with others authors, reviews and a lot more. www.blogvidadeescritor.com.br
Specialized in invitation's design, stationeries and visual identity, they also already made several book projects with me. When working together, they would usually take care of the inner pages design, while I made the cover and illustrations. www.sonhosemciano.tk
Specialized in production of graphic material, they have the publishing and launching of books as their flagship, being able to print small and big editions. With them, I use to work in the children's books, doing their design and illustrations. www.futuramaeditora.com.br
A partner illustrator with whom I already made several works for books. Usually, he would made the lines and I would made the colors and design of the books.